What is “Black Friday”?

What is “Black Friday”?

The concept of sales is nothing new in Europe. Most of us have waited until the end of the summer season to get that nice swim suit for the next summer holiday that 20% cheaper. But the retailers have given us discounts very sparingly. The situation began to change when the American culture started having more and more influence.

Over the last decade or so we have gotten used to the term “Black Friday” and all the offers around us connected with it. Throughout the history the word “black” was used to describe tragic events or days when something bad happened. Especially the connection with financial crisis sticks to one’s mind. According to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Friday_(shopping)) the first known use of the phrase as the Friday after Thanksgiving Thursday happened in a magazine in 1951 and subsequently in 1952 in order to refer to the workers calling in sick on that day in order to have a 4-day weekend. At the same time the term “Black Friday” and “Black Saturday” were said to be used by the police in Philadelphia to describe the uptake in traffic due to Christmas shopping season.

Vissa sÀger att trenden startade först pÄ 80-talet dÄ finansvÀrlden mÀrkte att mÄnga butiker tjÀnade det mesta av sina pengar under november och december nÀr folk köpte presenter till sina nÀra och kÀra. IstÀllet för att markera inkomsten rött var det möjligt att börja markera den svart. Oavsett vad sanningen Àr sÄ har frasen i mÄnga lÀnder blivit synonymt med stora rabatter frÄn alla större butiker.

Some say the trend started only in the 80s with the financial world noticing that many retailers made most of their money during November and December when people were buying presents for their loved ones. Instead of marking the income “in the red” it was possible to start marking it “in the black”. Whatever the truth may be, in many countries the phrase has become synonymous with big discounts from all major shops.These days, and especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, the sales have moved online. This is also why we have decided to offer you some special deals for all our products. That way you can either treat yourself or buy a present for a friend at a discounted price.

Here are some examples of what we have to offer:

Truly Tussar Collection

A collection of beautiful and unique scarves that will add something special to every wardrobe. https://svadia.se/en/collections/truly-tussar


Tropical Vibe Candles

You can make someone’s Christmas very cosy by selecting of our Tropical Vibe Candles. There is a choice of two fragrances: Sandalwood and Magnolia. 


Gleaming Drops of Dhokra

If you’d rather give jewellery as a present we have two amazing handmade necklaces to chose from:


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