“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”
Every year on April 22 Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement that gained momentum in the 1970s. It is an annual event that celebrates and marks the wonders of our environment and aims to raise public awareness about pollution, deforestation, and other growing environmental concerns.
The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. Gaylord Nelson, a United States senator and environmentalist, had called for nationwide demonstrations to increase awareness about environmental issues. His persistent efforts led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in the US. This movement picked up pace across the globe and by 1990, Earth Day was celebrated by more than 140 countries around the world.
Today Earth Day is noted among the largest secular observances in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behavior and create impactful global, national, and local policy changes.
To this effect, Earth Day has a designated theme that serves as the torchbearer for concentrated efforts every year. The theme for 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet”. This implies that a green future is a prosperous future for all. The need of the hour is to act boldly, innovate broadly, and implement equitably. We must join hands in partnership for our planet – everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable.
Contributing our bit towards this cause is more crucial now than ever before. Switching to a plant-based diet, saving water and electricity, planting trees to mark anniversaries and birthdays are a few easy ways to offset our carbon footprint. Why not start composting your domestic waste, opt for reusables and choose products made from recycled materials to become part of the global drive to save our planet? Â
For those who wish to actively participate in this endeavor on a larger scale, joining dedicated local groups like Greenpeace Nordic or Swedish Society for Nature Conservation is a great idea. Many of these groups have digital meetings and platforms nowadays, so it is a great time to get the feel for a new group and get pointers on ways to contribute, in a very low-pressure environment.
So, whether at an individual or a community level, it is our responsibility to preserve our home – planet Earth. Even the smallest of initiatives can make a profound impact when we look at the big picture. With global warming triggering irreversible climate change across the world, any and every positive change is a great step towards the greater goal.